Zuhlsdorf Disses the Pope Again

by Michael Sean Winters

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In an article in which Father Zuhlsdorf comments on the negotiations between the Holy See and the Lefebvre crowd (and which contains the evidently required reference to this newspaper as the "fishwrap," - an honor, given the source), he writes:

"It is no surprise that the SSPX would object to the beatification of John Paul II. But then, so do a lot of liberals. The first Assisi confab was so dreadful that anyone would hope and pray that it not be repeated."

Well, of course, Pope Benedict XVI is repeating the Assisi confab. I guess he did not get Zuhlsdorf's memo that we should not hope nor pray about it happening again.

And, does it strike anyone else as a bit absurd that he is so generous in his estimation of the Lefebvre crowd and so damning towards those of us who have not left the Church and gone into schism?

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