Eco puns

News of a coming flood was leaked.

Canyons can be gorge-ous.

The snowstorm arrived at a fortuitious moment. It was white on time.

Lightning storms can be very striking.

To spot a glacier you have to have good ice sight.

The weather bureau is an umbrella organization.

If you breathe heavily on the map, it will reveal topography, he said with a sigh of relief.

A spelunker held out on revealing the treasure's location until he finally caved in.

When the fog burns off it wont be mist.

The color of the early morning sun: rose

If we canteloup, lettuce marry

On organic farms they till it like it is

With fronds like you, who needs anemones?

She beat him to the garden by pre-seeding him
During a meeting about earthquakes there were several motions.

A toothless termite walked into a tavern and said, "Is the bar tender here?"

A chicken crossing the road is poultry in motion

The chickens were distraught when the tornado destroyed their home. Hopefully they will be able to recoup.

Too many spiders in your house can turn it into a no fly zone

200 years from the final buffalo hunt will be a bisontennial.

My pet bird can predict the future. He is an omen pigeon.

Use conscience-stricken in a sentence: 'Never conscience-stricken before they're hatched.'

We found a dead crow in our front yard but have yet to hear the caws of death

I once knew a woman who turned into a deer when the moon was full. She was a real weredoe.

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