Gas pump prices not the real issue, says editorial

by Brian Roewe

NCR environment correspondent

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Worrying over a dollar increase in gas prices makes but only a drop in America’s larger pool of energy concerns, according to a prominent national newspaper.

Over the weekend, the editorial board of the Washington Post expressed their frustrations over the ongoing debate and blame game for rising gas prices. They wrote:

"Rising sea levels threaten to inundate low-lying roads in Louisiana, costing billions in port activity, The Post’s Juliet Eilperin reports. Northrop Grumman sees potential damage to billions in shoreline defense infrastructure, such as the imperiled drydock in Hampton Roads built to construct the next generation of aircraft carriers. Other factors are also at work in these examples of rapid coastline loss. But Louisiana and Virginia offer a picture of how further sea-level rise and higher storm surges — just one set of climate-related risks — could seriously disrupt human activity.

America, meanwhile, is fixated on .?.?. paying an extra buck per gallon at the gas pump."

The Post editorial board cites a recent report by the nonpartisan Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development stating energy use worldwide is on pace to increase 80 percent by 2050 (85 percent from fossil fuels), and along with it, raise carbon emissions by 50 percent.

The editorial frames addressing these issues stand paramount to gas pump increases, saying:

"Yet the only energy debate America seems capable of having during this election year revolves around whom to blame for higher gas prices and who can bring them down again. Neither of those is the first, second or even 10th question we’d ask of America’s leaders on energy."

Read the full editorial here.

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