School Sisters of Notre Dame present eco-education in the Milwaukee area

We are in the midst of a massive up-welling of human potential, creativity, anger, and frustration." -- Barbara Marx Hubbard, futurist

You know about rising food and gas prices, eccentric weather and a global food emergency. You may even know about debt, corporate scandals and the increase of asthma cases. What seemed to work before in an industrialized economy, now seems, in part, to be backfiring with pollution, toxic chemicals, lessening resources, global warming.

It is time to create new perspectives in relationship to our planetary home. This is where Sunseed Eco-Education Ministries comes into the picture.

Nestled originally in the farming village of Mount Calvary, Wisconsin, Sunseed Eco-Education Ministries was created by the School Sisters of Notre Dame of the Milwaukee province who knew in 2007 that the future was calling forth their well-honed education skills to help raise planetary consciousness.

Spreading to the metropolis of Milwaukee in 2010, Sunseed expanded its programming and outreach efforts while joining with sites such as Mount Calvary, known for its gardening and food preservation classes, and Notre Dame of Elm Grove, whose senior residents have long developed various growing plots.

Sunseed Eco-Education initiates processes and strategies to stimulate awareness of both the beauty and fragility of the planet. Using holistic educational approaches, Sunseed expresses its values in spiritual practices, interactive presentations, advocacy and healthy food promotion.

At a deeper level, Sunseed inspires participants to envision planetary alternatives to our present-day crises. By partnering with similar efforts such as the Transition Town and Awakening the Dreamer movements, Sunseed is able to effectively express its values. Because of Sunseed, people are using their creative potential and even their anger, to become the change they wish to see in the world.

To learn more about Sunseed offerings, visit: or request Sunseed online mailings:

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