Pope Francis Tweets

This story appears in the Pope Francis feature series. View the full series.

On the outside chance some NCR readers might have missed some of Pope Francis' tweets, I've gathered some of them here. These nuggets of spiritual wisdom date back to mid-May: 

We cannot live as Christians separate from the rock who is Christ. He gives us strength and stability, but also joy and serenity.

A Christian is never bored or sad. Rather, the one who loves Christ is full of joy and radiates joy.

Let’s learn to lose our lives for Christ, like a gift or a sacrifice. With Christ we lose nothing!

Jesus didn’t save us with an idea. He humbled himself and became a man. The Word became Flesh.

Charity, patience and tenderness are very beautiful gifts. If you have them, you want to share them with others.

Are we ready to be Christians full-time, showing our commitment by word and deed?

We are all sinners. But may the Lord not let us be hypocrites. Hypocrites don’t know the meaning of forgiveness, joy and the love of God.

If we have found in Jesus meaning for our own lives, we cannot be indifferent to those who are suffering and sad.

Let us never forget that it is the Lord who guides the Church. He is the one who makes our apostolates fruitful.

Christians are ready to proclaim the Gospel because they can’t hide the joy that comes from knowing Christ.

Are you angry with someone? Pray for that person. That is what Christian love is.

Let the Church always be a place of mercy and hope, where everyone is welcomed, loved and forgiven.

How many kinds of moral and material poverty we face today as a result of denying God and putting so many idols in his place!

We must not be afraid of solidarity; rather let us make all we have and are available to God.

With the “culture of waste”, human life is no longer considered the primary value to be respected and protected.

Consumerism has accustomed us to waste. But throwing food away is like stealing it from the poor and hungry.

Care of creation is not just something God spoke of at the dawn of history: he entrusts it to each of us as part of his plan.

Christ leads us to go out from ourselves more and more, to give ourselves and to serve others.

Sometimes we know what we have to do, but we lack the courage to do it. Let us learn from Mary how to make decisions, trusting in the Lord.

The world tells us to seek success, power and money; God tells us to seek humility, service and love.

In this Year of Faith, we pray to the Lord that the Church may always be a true family that brings God’s love to everyone.

The whole of salvation history is the story of God looking for us: he offers us love and welcomes us with tenderness.

The Church is born from the supreme act of love on the Cross, from Jesus’ open side. The Church is a family where we love and are loved.

Dear young people, the Church expects great things of you and your generosity. Don’t be afraid to aim high.

Every time we give in to selfishness and say “No” to God, we spoil his loving plan for us.

We all have in our hearts some areas of unbelief. Let us say to the Lord: I believe! Help my unbelief.

Miracles happen. But prayer is needed! Prayer that is courageous, struggling and persevering, not prayer that is a mere formality.

On the feast of Mary Help of Christians I join the Catholics in China who trust in the protection of Our Lady of Sheshan and I pray for them

Do I take the Gospel message of reconciliation and love into the places where I live and work?

To live according to the Gospel is to fight against selfishness. The Gospel is forgiveness and peace; it is love that comes from God.

I am close to the families of all who died in the Oklahoma tornado, especially those who lost young children. Join me in praying for them.

The Holy Spirit transforms and renews us, creates harmony and unity, and gives us courage and joy for mission.

We must learn from Mary, and we must imitate her unconditional readiness to receive Christ in her life.

Are our lives truly filled with the presence of God? How many things take the place of God in my life each day?

We cannot be part-time Christians! We should seek to live our faith at every moment of every day.

It is God who gives life. Let us respect and love human life, especially vulnerable life in a mother’s womb.
