Sept. 21 day for more peace prayers, Francis says

Pope Francis today renewed his call for Catholics and all Christians to continue praying for peace in the Middle East, especially Syria.

He reminded pilgrims in St. Peter’s Square for his general audience today that Sept. 21 is "International Day of Peace," and that the world Christian leaders have called for all their members to pray for peace on that day.

Below is a Vatican Radio English translation of the Pope’s words.

Each year, on September 21, the United Nations celebrates the "International Day of Peace," and the World Council of Churches is calling on its members to pray on that day for peace. I invite Catholics from around the world to join with other Christians to continue to ask God for the gift of peace in the most troubled parts of our planet.

May peace, the gift of Jesus, always live in our hearts and support the intentions and actions of the leaders of nations and all people of good will.

Let us commit ourselves to encouraging all efforts for a diplomatic and political solution of all the focus points of war that still are a cause for concern. My thoughts go especially to the dear people of Syria, whose human tragedy can only be resolved through dialogue and negotiation, with respect for justice and the dignity of every person, especially the weakest and most defenseless.

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