Morning Briefing

'Repeal and replace' morphing into 'repair' -- NY TImes: Republicans in Congress bypass Trump to shore up health care

Washington Post: Can this marriage be saved? Relationship between Trump, Senate GOP, hits new skids

Justice Department to take on affirmative action in college admissions

Trump now taking aim at legal immigration -- aims to cut it with legislation

RNS: As artificial intelligence grows, so do perceived threats to human uniqueness

Pope taps Little Brother of Jesus as rector of Rome's seminary

Judge approves lawsuit against disgraced order Legionaries of Christ  According to AP, "The lawsuit, brought by the national anti-abortion group Americans United for Life, says the Legionaries, which has a branch in Cheshire, Conn., interfered with an inheritance the group should have received from a wealthy widow.

Book review: Sweeping claims flood Chaput's 'Strange Land'

Global Sisters Report: Do all dogs go to heaven? (Including a reflection on Lazarus and his canine comforter.)


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