Morning Briefing

Francis, in another stinging rebuke of clericalism, says Spirit works in laypeople, 'is not the property of the hierarchy'

Fr. Hans Kung says Pope Francis has responded to request for free discussion of infallibility

And one more for the morning from Francis, this one a General Audience reflection on the parable of the Good Samaritan. Here's a taste:

"This parable offers us a first teaching," said Francis. "It is not automatic that whoever frequents the house of God and knows God's mercy will know to love their neighbor. It is not automatic!" he exhorted. "You can know the whole Bible, you can know all the liturgical rubrics, you can know all of theology, but from that knowledge love is not automatic. Love has another way."

Cure for all the divisions of the day? Melissa Musick Nussbaum imagines bringing back the Angelus

From The Guardian: Cardinal Pell's credibility on the line as church strikes back

From USA Today: When religion and the LGBT collegiate athlete collide

Global Sisters Report: For sisters in Ghana, juice making goes from health product to money maker



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