Morning Briefing

Damascus, Syria -- Defiant Assad tells Yahoo News torture report is 'fake news'

Travel ban ruling: In court as on Twitter, Trump confronts evidence gap

‘See You In Court,’ Trump Says. OK, Now What?

The woman credited with smoothing over Donald Trump’s relations with evangelical Christians and shaping the image of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has snagged a job at the State Department, Foreign Policy is reporting. Pam Pryor is vetting personnel and coordinating policy issues from her perch inside the Office of International Religious Freedom. Ken Starr Ken Starr — the disgraced ex-president of Baylor University and Clinton special prosecutor — is said to be a front-runner to lead the Office of International Religious Freedom,

Who is Tom Price? Polarizing HHS nominee confirmed by Senate on party-line vote The conservative Georgia congressman who has been one of Congress’s most vehement opponents of the Affordable Care Act will be secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services.

Catholic groups react to Trump's US exit from Trans-Pacific Partnership

Standing Rock Sioux vow to challenge pipeline in court

Catholics supporting #NoDAPL movement see call to protect creation

Feb. 8 was International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking: Q & A with Sr. Patricia Ebegbulem, rescuing and rehabilitating victims of trafficking

Read all of Global Sisters Report's coverage of trafficking.

Edward J. Burns was installed as the eighth bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Dallas at a special installation Mass at the downtown cathedral.

Bishop Giovanni Martinelli, the Roman Catholic bishop in Tripoli for the past 32 years, has retired. In 2011, he condemned NATO bombing and described Qaddafi as a "friend."

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Or reflect on Pencil Preaching.jpgPencil Preaching by Pat Marrin. Every morning Pat Marrin breaks open the Word with a pencil sketch and a short meditation.

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