Afghanistan protesters barrage White House Facebook page

by Joshua J. McElwee

News Editor

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Mashable, a website dedicated to social media news, is reporting that over 20,000 people have logged onto the White House Facebook page to ask the president to rethink his Afghanistan strategy in advance of the State of the Union speech tonight.

At the site users can leave comments for the President which can then be viewed by others worldwide. The basic script of the comments looks like this:

“President Obama, I am one of more than 20,000 signers of this petition from Rethink Afghanistan: ‘In your State of the Union address on January 27, 2010, I want you to provide a concrete exit strategy for our troops in Afghanistan that begins no later than July 2011 and which completes a withdrawal of combat troops no later than July 1, 2012.’

Rethink Afghanistan, a website promoting a 2009 documentary by the same name about the war in that country, is coordinating the massive barrage. You can find more information about the campaign and their website here. You can also view the comments on the White House Facebook page here.

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