Anglican Roundup

by Joshua J. McElwee

News Editor

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Looking through my news feeds this afternoon I've noticed that the new process to welcome Anglicans to the Catholic Church has garnered a lot of coverage today, in both the Catholic and mainstream press.

Here's a roundup of some of what I found most interesting:

  • In The Boston Globe, John Carroll claims that the news heightens the debate between fundamentalist and rational religions and that "the survival of the human species is at stake."
  • In The New York Times, Randy Cohen argues that it is "disheartening that the editorial pages of our most important newspapers did not castigate the Vatican’s invitation to misogyny and homophobia."
  • And, over at the America group blog, Austen Ivereigh summarizes a recent ZENIT interview with the current head of the process for the conversion of Anglican priests at the Vatican, Msgr. William Stetson. Stetson argues that future seminarians in the Anglican rite, those not currently in the seminary process, "would have to be celibate."

That's just a sampling of what's being said. More to come for sure.

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