Ave Maria U. bans blogger from campus

HT to Jim Romenesko with this story from the Naples Daily News:

Ave Maria University says Marielena Montesino de Stuart "has demonstrated an ongoing and open hostility toward Ave Maria University," so she's not allowed on parts of campus.

The school barred Stuart, who is a resident of Ave Maria Town, from a news conference on campus.

The blogger responds: "This is another way in which the university's administration silences public opinion, which is a violation of our constitutional rights."

In a guest commentary in the Daily News on Feb, 17, 2009, Stuart wrote that as an orthodox Catholic she felt persecuted in Ave Maria. She and her husband moved their family to Ave Maria because they thought it represented a return to traditional Catholic higher education. But “we found that the Catholic orthodoxy that had been advertised was suddenly under attack by the same administration that had promoted it.”

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