Boston priest arrested while downloading child porn

by Brian Roewe

NCR environment correspondent

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The Boston Globe reported Wednesday afternoon that a South Boston priest arrested Monday was downloading child pornography as police detectives entered the rectory where he lived.

According to the Globe, Franciscan Fr. Andrew J. Urbaniak had been pastor at Our Lady of Czestochowa Church for the past four years. The arrest Monday followed a two-month investigation.

From the Globe:

In court today, Suffolk Assistant District Attorney Kate Clayman summarized the case against Urbaniak, saying that a specialized State Police unit that tracks child pornography on the Web had discovered that the priest was accessing a site known as a source of child pornography.

The case was handed over to Boston police detectives who finished their investigation by obtaining a search warrant of the South Boston rectory and Urbaniak’s computer. Clayman said that when police checked his computer, it was actively downloading child porn.

In a statement, the Boston archdiocese said Urbaniak has been placed on administrative leave following his arrest, and that the provincial of his religious order in Poland has been notified.

"Fr. Urbaniak's faculties have been suspended and he is not allowed to function as a priest in the Archdiocese. The Archdiocese is fully cooperating with law enforcement. The Church prays for all those impacted by these events and is committed to providing for the pastoral care of the parish during this difficult time," the statement read.

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