Call to Action urges calls to Maryknoll to support Bourgeois

by Joshua J. McElwee

News Editor

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Call to Action, the progressive Catholic group, has been hosting a call-in day today for those who wish to call the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers to express their support for Maryknoll Fr. Roy Bourgeois.

Bourgeois, who is known for his peace activism, received a letter from Maryknoll superior general Fr. Edward Dougherty last month threatening him with dismissal from the order and laicization by the Vatican if he would not recant his support of women's ordination.

"Join the national call-in day by dialing 914.941.7590 and tell Maryknoll 'I support women's ordination and Fr. Roy. I hope Maryknoll will, too!'" Call to Action writes in an e-mail to supporters of the group.

"Fr. Roy has given nearly 40 years of his life to Maryknoll as a priest and prophetic leader for justice in Central and South America. He should not be removed from the priesthood because of his beliefs in women's equality!"

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