As cardinal, Francis missed abuse guidelines deadline

You may have missed this one over the weekend from the Wall Street Journal: Argentina Bishops Delayed Abuse Plan

Friday the Vatican issued a statement that Pope Francis met with Archbishop Gerhard L. Muller, prefect of the Vatican's powerful Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the office tasked with overseeing cases of clergy accused of sexual abuse of minors. While the release states the two talked about the various responsibilities of Muller's office, it also says the pope made a particular point of highlighting its work to counter clerical sexual abuse.

According to the Vatican, the pope told Muller "to act decisively concerning cases of sexual abuse."

The Vatican press release about the Friday meeting between Muller and Francis noted that the Vatican has been pressing national conferences of bishops to draw up comprehensive policies for detecting abuse and helping victims. The press releas said, "The commitment of bishops conferences in formulating and implementing the necessary guidelines is so important for the witness and credibility of the church,"

But, the Wall Street Journal reported, Argentina is one of the bishops' conferences that have yet to finalize its guidelines. The Argentinean bishops are about a year behind schedule,

Read the full report.

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