Catholic Health System launches nonprofit for diabetes care

Catholic Health System is one of a couple of health care groups partnering with Western New York nonprofit HEALTHeLINK to start a telemonitoring pilot program designed to improve diabetes patients' access to care, according to several news reports.

The program, which is funded through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, has already enrolled the first 100 of the roughly 150 patients it expects to monitor through March 2013 in 17 communities across the U.S.

Read the rest of the Information Week Healthcare report here.

Buffalo Business First reports:

"Using mobile devices, patients will report their blood pressure, glucose readings and other vital signs. As the data comes into the providers, their nurses and clinical staff monitor the information to notify doctors if a patient is in danger. The program will use existing monitoring equipment supplied by the three partners."

Read the entire story here.

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