Catholic Workers invite Obama, NATO leaders to end war

"Come to the table of community instead of the table of war."

CHICAGO -- That was the message that 125 Catholic Workers brought to Obama's campaign headquarters in Chicago, Ill., yesterday morning. The demonstrators came to invite President Obama and NATO leaders to break bread and discuss ending the occupation of Afghanistan.

After singing, dancing, and sharing breakfast with passers-by on the sidewalk, demonstrators entered the atrium to read their statement and continue to sing and dance.

A smaller group continued upstairs in an attempt to reach the Obama campaign office with their invitation, but could not get farther than the second floor, as the building's elevators had been shut off as soon as the group entered the building.

After approximately 15 minutes police officers instructed demonstrators to leave, and arrested eight who instead attempted again to go upstairs.

Yesterday's gathering was the final event of the 2012 Midwest Catholic Worker Faith & Resistance Retreat, a weekend of discussion, reflection, prayer, and action that drew activists from as far away as Massachusetts and California.

For photos of the May 14 action, take a look at Robyn Haas's photos in the slideshow below.

Videos and more coverage:


Chicago Tribune:,0,86274.story

ABC News Channel 7 in Chicago:

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