Celebrating the Immaculate Conception with the Berrigans

by Joshua J. McElwee

News Editor

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It seems we're celebrating the feast of the Immaculate Conception in a unique way today here at NCR.

We're celebrating by recognizing those ever-prescient prophets and brothers, the Berrigans. We've got three stories on our Web site today that take inspiration from their lives and witness.

First, there's my report from a talk Dan Berrigan gave in New York early last week. That talk was a rare glimpse at what the now-89-year-old priest poet is thinking and feeling.

Dan's message in turn spurred us to write an editorial on U.S. military policy: Quiet cancer of militarism on the US soul.

And, to add even more to our celebration, Jesuit Fr. John Dear, writing in his weekly 'On the Road to Peace' column, takes a look at Phil Berrigan's life on the eighth anniversary of his death.

Dear's thought for how we can celebrate Phil's life this Advent?

"With the shining example of Philip Berrigan who lives on in our hearts, we too can proclaim the Advent vision of John the Baptist," Dear writes.

Take a look at all three pieces. I can't think of any better way to celebrate Mary than by recognizing these two prophets of her son's vision of peace.

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