Check out 'Conversations with Sr. Camille'

The newest addition to our list of illustrious columnists is Mercy Sr. Camille D’Arienzo, who ever two weeks will post an interview (see first interview) with Catholics (some better known, some lesser known), exploring their spiritual journeys. D’Arienzo, a highly respected woman religious and former president of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, will present these interviews under the title, “Conversations with Sr. Camille.” We hope you follow her work and sign up to be alerted when she posts a new interview. D’Arienzo is a long time religion commentator; she is a prolific writer and author of a soon-to-be-published book, “Stories of Forgiveness.”

She has also been active in prison ministries for many years. One of her ministry projects involves working with prisoners who design Christmas cards, the proceeds of which go to help poor children. Those of you who plan to send greetings have an opportunity to support agencies that offer assistance and the peace of Christ. For information about these Christmas cards, please e-mail: Sister Camille D’Arienzo, RSM at You might also consider putting the notice about D’Arienzo’s Christmas cards project in your parish bulletin.

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