Churches lose fight over Ala. immigration law

The Washington Post reports:

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — A federal judge jolted the national immigration debate on Wednesday (Sept. 28) by approving most parts of Alabama’s aggressive immigration law that religious leaders had called the “meanest” in the nation.

In a ruling hailed by many state officials, U.S. District Judge Sharon Lovelace Blackburn refused to block much of Alabama’s far-reaching immigration law from going into effect.

Blackburn’s decision came after three separate challenges were filed by the U.S. Department of Justice; Catholic, Episcopal and United Methodist bishops; and a coalition of civil rights groups, unions and individuals who said they would be harmed by the law.

The Christian Post reports that the judge's decision wasn't a total loss for the churches:

One of the sections that Judge Sharon Lovelace [Blackburn], of the Federal District Court in Birmingham, temporarily blocked would make it illegal for anyone to transport or harbor illegal immigrants under certain conditions.

Many churches, especially those that witness specifically to the Spanish-speaking community, are concerned that they will be found in violation of the law for welcoming illegal immigrants into their worship services or for giving them a ride to church when they have no other means of transportation.

For some background on the issue see: New Ala. immigration law treading on religious freedom, bishop says

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