With click of a mouse, Haiti aid grows

Online, text giving fuels record fundraising -- more than $380 million

"Two weeks after a 7.0-magnitude earthquake leveled Port-au-Prince, U.S. relief organizations in Baltimore and beyond have collected more than $380 million for Haiti, an outpouring of support unprecedented for a foreign disaster.

With the images from Haiti still dominating news coverage and advances in technology allowing more ways to give, fundraising for Haiti has more than doubled the record pace set in the days following the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, the Chronicle of Philanthropy reported Friday. Given economic conditions at home, relief officials say, the response has been remarkable.

"It's clear that people are rising to sacrifice," said Mark Melia, deputy vice president for charitable giving at Catholic Relief Services, which is headquartered in Baltimore. "People are making large gifts that are not easy to make."

Relief organizations raising $5 million or more

  • American Red Cross $153 million
  • AmeriCares $6 million
  • CARE USA $9.2 million
  • Catholic Relief Services $23.1 million
  • Clinton Bush Haiti Fund $13.4 million
  • William J. Clinton Foundation $8.75 million
  • Doctors Without Borders $34 million
  • Lutheran World Relief $1.7 million
  • Mercy Corps $7.1 million
  • Oxfam America $9.4 million
  • Partners in Health $25 million
  • Salvation Army $6 million
  • Save the Children USA $11.3 million
  • U.S. Fund for UNICEF $26.1 million
  • World Vision $16.2 million

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