Couples needed for NFP study

Marquette University's Institute for Natural Family Planning (NFP) is looking for couples interested in preventing pregnancy. They're needed to participate in a study involving two Web-based methods of natural family planning.

There's nothing virtual about the study, however. As a release from the institute states, "Apprximately 325 couples will participate in the 'high-tech' Marquette Model of NFP, using the ClearBlue Easy Fertility Monitor, a home-use device that measures hormone levels in urine to estimate the beginning and end of the time of fertility in a woman's menstrual cycle." According to the institute, previous studies have shown the Marquette Model to be 98- to 99 percent effective.

The other 325 couples will use the "low tech" or more traditional method of monitoring cervical mucus as the sole biological indicator of fertility. The study is being supported by a $595,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Humand Services. Dr. Richard Fehring, director of the institute in Marquette's College of Nursing, is the principal investigator. More information can be found at the above link.

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