DC city council not intimidated

According to the Washington Post on Nov. 12, the Catholic Archdiocese of Washington is threatening to end all social service contracts with the government of the District of Columbia if the City Council passes legislation that would legalize same sex marriage in DC. That legislation is expected to pass next month.

Reports today indicate that members of the City Council are not intimidated by this. The sponsor of the bill, David Catania, a big supporter of Catholic Charities, said he is “baffled.” Others said they will not legislate based on threats, and one other Council member called the move by the Archdiocese “somewhat childish.”

Assuming this bill passes (and it is likely to pass), this move by the Archdiocese could do real harm to people in desperate need. And all this is being threatened to preserve the “right” to discriminate based on sexual orientation. Whatever the hierarchy thinks about same sex marriage, it is solid Catholic teaching NOT to discriminate against gays and lesbians. What are they thinking?

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