Dolan deposed in Milwaukee sex abuse lawsuits

Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York listens to a presentation during a gathering of New York state's bishops and catechetical leaders in September. (CNS/Gregory A. Shemitz)

Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York listens to a presentation during a gathering of New York state's bishops and catechetical leaders in September. (CNS/Gregory A. Shemitz)

by Joshua J. McElwee

News Editor

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Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the president of the U.S. bishops' conference and one of the expected electors of the next pope, was deposed Wednesday in a lawsuit filed by clergy sex abuse victims, The New York Times reports.

Dolan, who has served as archbishop of New York since 2009, the Times reports, was called to testify over his management of priests in the Milwaukee archdiocese, which he led from 2002-2009.

Barraged by suits from hundreds of sex abuse victims, Milwaukee's current archbishop, Jerome Listecki, filed for bankruptcy protection in 2011.

Dolan's deposition makes him the second American cardinal and potential pope elector to be in the limelight for his handling of sex abuse, following the focus on retired Los Angeles Cardinal Roger Mahony.

More on the Milwaukee sex abuse cases:

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