Earth Healing is the best internet eco-spirituality site

One of the best Web sites on eco-spirituality is EarthHealing created and maintained by Kentucky Jesuit Fr. Al Fritsch of Appalachia-Science in the Public Interest. Fr. Fritsch and his helpers have created an internet-based interactive service to address eco-justice questions and the current economic order, avoiding physical conferencing via air travel with its heavy carbon footprint.

"Our principal service is to offer a Daily Reflection on pertinent subjects. This website began in 2004 and will continue as long as materials are available and funding permits. The weekday reflections cover a variety of simple living topics and the weekend writings include homilies and other sacred issues. A variety of essays and poems appear here as well."

The daily reflections are archived on the site. There is also an archive of wonderful reflections on eco-sprituality through the seasons. The daily reflections are always accompanied by a photo depicting some part of the natural world.

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