Evolution Weekend isn't really about evolution

The seventh annual Evolution Weekend, sponsored by Reverend Michael Zimmerman, is scheduled for Feb. 12-14, 2012.

I had not paid much attention to these monthly mailings because I don't have a congregation and because the name of the weekend led me to believe it was an argument with those who read the Bible literally.

And I think that was how the weekend began. But the content has shifted. The focus is now looking at our human role in creating a sustainable environment.

So far, more than 300 congregations from 10 countries have signed up to participate.

"Some clergy deliver a sermon and others invite host speakers," Zimmerman's newsletter says. "Some congregations focus a youth class on the relationship between religion and science while others make mention of the weekend in their congregational bulletin. Whatever helps congregants think productively about this issue is fully appropriate."

It's a good program. Take a look.

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