Fr. Larry Snyder's White House Easter breakfast invocation

On Friday, Fr. Larry Snyder, president of Catholic Charities USA, delivered the opening prayer at the fourth annual White House Easter Prayer Breakfast. President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden gathered with Christian leaders from around the country to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. Here is the full text of his prayer:

Good and gracious God, 

Our most glorious Creator,

As we greet the signs in nature around us of Spring once again regaling us in bloom, 
In the songs of returning birds and fields soon to be planted, 

We give you praise for an even greater sign of new life: the resurrection of your Son, 
Our Lord Jesus Christ, that we especially celebrate at this time.

The sadness and despair of his death has given way to the bright promise of immortality,  
For the Resurrection is our guarantee that justice will triumph over treason, Light will overcome darkness, and love will conquer death.

As we celebrate we also dare to ask for your grace that we may live the promise given to us, 
By imitating the life of Jesus in reaching out to the poor, the marginalized, the least among us, 
As we strive to be neighbor to all those we meet. 

We ask your special blessings each and every day on our President, Barack Obama. 

Working with him may we strive to make this great country of ours a beacon of hope 

And justice in a world hungry for peace and so in need of your love.

We praise you in this Easter season. Change our lives, change our hearts to be messengers of Easter joy and hope. We make our prayer through Jesus Christ, our risen Lord forever. Amen.

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