Free webinars

Church ministers whose own professional development budgets have been cut (I know that's the first to go) can still find enrichment without the airfare and hotel costs of a long-distance seminar.

Webinars on topics ranging from "Management for Ministry" to "Applying the Bishops' High School Curriculum to Parish Programs" are available for free. Yes, free!

(A webinar, for those scratching their heads, is a live, online seminar or web conference. Once registered and logged in, your computer will display either video of the speaker or his/her PowerPoint presentation. Participants can often email or ask questions during the seminar.)

A series of webinars for parish professionals is being offered by Ave Maria Press in partnership with the National Association for Lay Ministry and the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership. Many of the presenters are Ave Maria authors.

For more information and to register, click here. "Management for Ministry" is next Wednesday, Sept. 8. If you miss one, recorded versions will be available as downloads.

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