Go Cardinals!

In response to my good friend, Michael Sean Winters (See Go Sox!): For those of us who grew up in St. Louis, we have been extremely fortunate to see quite a few World Series in our hometown. My first was in 1967 with the great Bob Gibson on the mound. If you grew up in Cardinal territory – a huge swath of this nation that, thanks to KMOX radio, spread south into Tennessee and north Texas – you know what a consistently solid baseball city looks like.

And you'll recall that when the Red Sox ended their curse in 2004, the Cardinals organization graciously opened the gates to Busch Stadium to allow Sox fans who were outside to enter the stadium so they could witness and revel in their team's first title in 86 years. As the Gospel tells us: love your enemies

Even so, the Cardinal Way and the best fans in baseball are a hard combination to beat! Go Redbirds!


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