Have we lost the fight for gun control?

This assessment from Time magazine suggests that we have allowed ourselves to be distracted, and anyone who had  grand hopes for significant  gun control measures enacted this year are quickly losing the race:

Here’s a hard truth: all the emotion and outrage and sadness that followed the Dec. 14 shooting of 20 children and 6 adults at Sandy Hook elementary school may make almost no difference in federal gun control laws. How little is the Hill going to do on gun control? As things stand, Congress may not even pass two gun control measures that even some elements of the powerful gun lobby have suggested they could support. But if post-Sandy Hook gun control measures are badly wounded, they’re not finished yet. Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle insist there’s still a chance to do a deal; here’s the state of play.

How Gun Control Ends: Not With A Bang, But A Whimper By


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