Health reform law challenges: An update

I have tried mightily to keep track of the various court challenges brought against the health care reform law that Congress passed and President Obama signed last year, but have failed.

Thank goodness Kaiser Health News is keeping track for me.

All over the country, lawsuits challenging the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act are working their way through the federal courts.
KHN is tracking the status of 25 cases, below, and will update those and other new cases on this page.

Court overturned law or part of law: 2 cases
Court ruled law constitutional and dismissed case: 6 cases
Court dismissed for lack of standing or procedural problems: 4 cases
Court dismissed but gave plainiff right to refile: 1 case
Court decision pending: 12 cases

Read the full scoreboard: Tracking Health Law Court Challenges

Haiser Health News is funded by Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation.. From its web site:

"Kaiser Health News (KHN) is a nonprofit news organization committed to in-depth coverage of health care policy and politics.

"HN’s mission is to provide high-quality coverage of health policy issues and developments at the federal and state levels. In addition, KHN covers trends in the delivery of health care and in the marketplace."

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