Honduras: Repression continues

The official Quixote Center delegation in Honduras continues to send firsthand reports of the events in that country, as tens of thousands of its citizens clamor for the return of their elected President, Manuel Zelaya.

The stories of the repression are documenting an escalating violence. This report refers to August 12th protests:

"On the forty-sixth day of peaceful and nonviolent resistance against the de facto government, the armed forces and the police repressed protesters with excessive force. Hundreds of police and military occupied the city of Tegucigalpa yesterday, throwing large quantities of tear gas, pepper gas, and live bullets. They also attacked the protestors and uninvolved bystanders with tubes, punches, and kicks.

"The five teams of international observers present in different parts of the city center verified that the reaction on the part of security forces was excessively violent. ..."

Reports of repression in San Pedro Sula are similar in violence and intensity.

For more detail, go to: http://www.quixote.org/node/949

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