How long is a good sermon?

Did you see this story from Catholic News Service: Homilies should be under eight minutes long? Don't overtax parishioners' attention spans, is the message from Archbishop Nikola Eterovic, secretary-general of the Synod of Bishops, who has just written a book, The Word of God, which is chock-full of tips Eterovic gleaned from the 2008 Synod of Bishops on the Bible.

I wonder what Bill Tammeus would say to this advice. Kansas City-based NCR staff have been reading Bill's work on the religion pages of The Kansas City Star for years. Today Bill joins us as an NCR contributor. His columns will appear on the Web site about every other week or so.

His first offering looks at getting the proper balance between preaching and Eucharist. See Balancing the right and left brains at worship.

Bill's an active, practicing Presbyterian, so we welcome his bringing a bit of balance to our Catholic-centric site.

Welcome Bill!

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