If only it were so easy...

A simple email message from Rick Warren, pastor of the evangelical Saddleback mega-church in Southern California, garnered $2.4 million in donations in 48 hours, reports the Los Angeles Times. Warren had said the church needed $900,000 to continue with its ministries in the new year.

Granted, the church has some 22,000 congregants who attend weekly services at its five locations. But in these economic times, this kind of fund-raising is, well, almost miraculous.

Warren is the author of the best-selling "The Purpose-Driven Life," in which he counsels people to discover and follow God's master plan for their lives. He also was criticized--from both the religious right and secular left--when President Obama asked him to give the invocation at his inauguration.

You got to give him this: He trusts God--and his church members--to come through.

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