I'm proud that Catholics are on the side of the undocumented

The decision last week by a federal judge in Arizona declaring most of SB1070 -- the immigration law passed by the Arizona state legislature and signed by Governor Janet Brewer -- to be unconstitutional came as no surprise for me since it is clear that according to constitutional law the federal government is responsible for immigration issues.

Still, the decision came as a relief for those who have expressed alarm about the continued dehumanization of immigrants and in particular undocumented Mexican workers.

In my opinion, and that of many other Catholics, this issue above all is a moral issue. The undocumented are human beings made in the likeness of God, and they are coming across the border to survive economically and to provide for their children.

How should we as Catholics respond? If we are true to our beliefs, we must and should know that God would never forsake those in great need and neither should we. As a Catholic, I am proud that our Church leaders have taken a strong stand against repressive and discriminatory laws such as SB1070. The struggle for the protection of undocumented immigrants continues, and we as Catholics must be on the side of the poor and oppressed.

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