Interfaith push for creation of green jobs

New jobs, especially those connected to the rapidly growing economy revolving around energy conservation and pollution reduction, must provide laid-off workers and low-income families the opportunity to shed the title of working poor by having a well-paying job, said Father Larry Snyder, executive director of Catholic Charities USA, during a recent nationwide webinar marking the second Fighting Poverty with Faith initiative.

"As people of faith we can make a difference to develop and shape a new American economy, one that provides a living wage and one that provides the benefits where people don't have to rely on government benefits," Father Snyder said. "We can, and must, work to reshape our economy so there is a balance and pay equity for all workers."

To view the recorded webinar, click here. You may be inspired to engage in volunteer projects, public education, and advocacy on the issue of shared economic prosperity and workforce development that includes "green" pathways out of poverty for working families.

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