Investigation of women religious enters new phase

The investigation, or visitation, if you will, of U.S. women religious congregations has entered a new phase as Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Mother Mary Clare Millea, the Vatican-appointed apostolic visitator Sept. 18 sent a letter and questionnaires to U.S. women religious institutes.

The questionnaires, each with quantitative and qualitative elements, are due back to Millea Nov. 20. The respected Washington-based Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) assisted Millea in putting together the quantitative component (Part A).

Millea told the women, many of whom are concerned that the results of the studies of their congregations will be kept from them, that the “composite analysis” that emerges from Part A “may eventually” be included in some public document. There was no mention that the more subjective Part B would be shared.

Wrote Millea: “Data regarding any participating institutes or individuals will not be shared with anyone except those whom I judge it necessary to consult directly to assist in fulfilling my appointment by Cardinal [Franc] Rodé as apostolic visitator.”

Read more about the process here: Updated: Questionnaire sent to women religious

The entire questionnaire can be found on the apostolic visitation Web site at

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