Joe's passing

All of us here at NCR's world headquarters in Kansas City, MO. are coping to get through a difficult day. Word came to us this morning that Joe Feuerherd, our friend, colleague, publisher and editor-in-chief had died, family at his side, in a hospice center in Rockville, MD.

Joe had been living with cancer for more than a year-and-a-half. He was always upbeat, cheerful, and encouraging. He was very brave.

While he could not do all the work he had wanted to do in recent months, he continued to write editorials, columns and participate in general editorial discussions and planning.

We're going to miss him dearly.

It's almost impossible to imagine as I write that we won't again hear his voice, receive his positive counsel; will no longer laugh at his self-deprecating jokes. In this age when so many like to claim they are "spiritual but not religious," he liked to say he was "religious but not spiritual." Of course, that hid only slightly a deeper truth: Joe did not carry his spirituality on his sleeve.

Joe's family is involved now in concluding funeral arrangements. It looks like there will be a funeral mass in Washington D.C. next Wednesday. We will share details as soon as we receive them.

Meanwhile, those wanting to send condolences to the Feuerherd family can write to:

Becky Feuerherd
National Catholic Reporter
115 E. Armour Blvd.
Kansas City, MO 64111

Requiesce in pace, dear friend. We love you dearly.

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