K¸ng writes to world's bishops

Theologian Fr. Hans Küng has written a letter to the world's bishops. (I found it on the web site of the Irish Times, but it carries a New York Times Syndicate tag line.) He begins: "On the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the election of Pope Benedict XVI, I am making this appeal to you [the world's bishops] in an open letter. In doing so, I am motivated by my profound concern for our church, which now finds itself in the worst credibility crisis since the Reformation. ... "

"I want only to lay before you six proposals that I am convinced are supported by millions of Catholics who have no voice in the current situation.

1. Do not keep silent ...

2. Set about reform ...

3. Act in a collegial way ...

4. Unconditional obedience is owed to God alone ...

5. Work for regional solutions ...

6. Call for a council ...

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