Kansas City nuke plant passes, faces environmental scrutiny

by Joshua J. McElwee

News Editor

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Local Kansas City, Mo. paper The Pitch reports today that one of the nation's most productive nuclear weapons manufacturing sites is operating with expired permits for hazardous waste and water discharges.

The Kansas City Plant, which manufactures mechanical and electrical non-nuclear parts for nuclear weapons, has recently come under media scrutiny for claims of lethal contamination to employees and neighbors.

Last week the Environmental Protection Agency published a fact sheet regarding some 785 toxic chemicals known to be used at the plant and U.S. Senator Kit Bond called for a federal investigation of health concerns.

These revelations come one week after the Kansas City, Mo. City Council gave final approval for plans to relocate the manufacturing facility to a larger site farther away from the downtown area.

The lone council-member to vote against the plant, Ed Ford, highlighted the environmental concerns before the council voted on Feb. 4.

Speaking to the council and an audience of interested residents, Ford said the council should ask two questions about city ordinances: Are they good for the children? Will they contribute to a sustainable Kansas City?

“I was happy to see those questions weren’t asked on this ordinance because I’d hate to see how logic might have been twisted,” Ford commented.

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