KC bishop testifies before grand jury

The Kansas City Star is reporting that: "Bishop Robert Finn, leader of the Kansas City-St. Joseph Diocese, testified this morning before a grand jury investigating the case of a priest already facing state and federal child pornography charges.

Read more: Bishop testifies for Jackson County grand jury.

“We’re doing the best we can to cooperate with law enforcement,” Finn told the Star after testifying.

Frequent visitors to this web site and NCR readers will no doubt have already read the latest news in the sex abuse story from this diocese. The former prosecutor that Bishop Finn hired to investigate how the diocese handles accusation of sexual misconduct by clerics issued a report Sept. 1. See our story Report: KC diocese 'jeopardized safety of children'.

The Sept. 16 print issue of NCR has an editorial covering this case: Take abuse cases out of clerical hands

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