KC priest sentenced to 50 years for child porn

Shawn Ratigan, the Kansas City, Mo., priest who had pleaded guilty to possession and production of child pornography last year, was sentenced to 50 years in prison this afternoon, a local TV station and the Associated Press are reporting. It was Ratigan's case the led to KC Bishop Robert Finn's conviction for child endangerment, a misdemeanor in county court.

Ratigan told the federal judge, "I know that no words will express my sorrow" for the hurt he caused people who trusted him and "the church I love" but he said 50 years in prison was too long. He asked for 15 years.

The judge to the recommendation of the federal prosecutor and sentenced the 47-year-old Ratigan to 50 years.

For more details see the Kansas City Star's report: Ratigan‘s punishment for lurid photographs of young girls: 50 years

Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/2013/09/12/4477131/ratigan-learns-punishment-for.html#storylink=cpy

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