Keep up the good fight

Among the news stories, commentaries and blog postings about the Bridgeport, Conn., diocese releasing more than 12,000 pages of documents concern clergy sex abuse, is this story today from the Connecticut Post, titled "Law, attitudes toward sex-abuse claims have changed" and subtitled "Officials: Claims would be treated differently today."

Now before anyone jumps in with commentary one way or the other about the assertion "claims would be treated differently today," first read the story.

And second, consider this. I have to believe that the assertion is true. I say this as a tribute to SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests) and Voice of the Faithful and and countless individual Catholics who have refused to allow this scandal in the church go unanswered.

We owe these groups and these individuals untold thanks.

Even those who today would still try to hide documents or hide from victims demanding justice, even these have to pause, because things have changed. Let's not forget that advances have been made. There have been victories in this long battle. Think about that, and then let's keep up the good fight.

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