Lerner: Obama just doesn't get it

Over on the Huffington Post, Rabbi Michael Lerner -- an Obama supporter in 2008 -- says "Obama (and Biden) Have No Clue About What's Bothering Their Political Base."

"I understood that a president is limited in what s/he can accomplish in limiting the power of America's economic and political elites and in restraining the military-industrial complex, the pharmaceutical and health care profiteers, the oil industry's relentless destruction of the environment, or the selfishness and materialism that had become the hallmark of Wall Street and increasingly the "common sense" that was conveyed by the media and advertising into the consciousness of many Americans.

But what a president can do is to challenge the ideas of the powerful and rally those who have become aware that the current system is not only destructive to the future of the planet, but also to the possibility of constructing lives that have a sense of higher meaning than accumulating money and things, or building families and friendships that are about love and not dominated by the self-interest "what's in it for me" consciousness of the capitalist marketplace."

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