Lynn denied house arrest; sentencing moved up

by Brian Roewe

NCR environment correspondent

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Denied a house arrest request, Msgr. William J. Lynn will remain in jail until his sentencing.

Common Pleas Court Judge M. Teresa Sarmina ruled Thursday morning against a plan that would have moved Lynn into the home of his sister's stepmother until his sentencing date. While the convicted monsignor will stay jailed, his time there will be shorter after Sarmina granted his lawyers' request to have the sentencing date moved up, from Aug. 13 to July 24.

The Philadelphia Inquirer reported that the rescheduled sentencing will allow Lynn's defense to appeal the case sooner and reapply to release Lynn on bail.

Lynn was convicted of child endangerment for leaving defrocked priest Edward Avery in ministry despite knowledge of past abuse.

The jury acquitted the former archdiocesan secretary of clergy on an additional child endangerment charge and a conspiracy charge, both in relation to co-defendant Fr. James J. Brennan. The jury could not come to a decision on charges of attempted rape and child endangerment against Brennan.

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