The Magisterium and Health Care

by Michael Sean Winters

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Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good has been vilified by right wing critics for pursuing a political strategy that favors the Democrats and polarizes the Catholic Church. But, they have signed on to a statement signed by an array of theologians calling for the Church to speak with one voice on the issue.

Missing from the list of signatories is Cardinal Renato Martino, head of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. But, given the cardinal’s remarks to a CNS reporter noted earlier on NCR Today, they should have asked him to do so. The cardinal says he “could never explain” how or why so many Americans lacked health care. Martino lived in the United States for many years while serving as the Holy See’s ambassador to the United Nations.

Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good’s puzzlement is different but also on point. They note that the bishops as a body have been arguing for universal health insurance for decades, yet a few outlier bishops have garnered much media attention for statements that are at odds with the statements coming from the USCCB. Cardinal George, call your office.

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