Maryknoll Distinguishes Itself

When the Maryknoll order ended its aid to the School of Americas Watch last year I was in the line of critics. It wasn't at all like Maryknoll to do such a thing, but circumstances seemed to have backed the order into a corner.

Their brother priest and the inspired leader of SOAW, Fr. Ray Bourgeois, had angered Rome by outspoken in his advocacy of women's ordination and Maryknoll was under pressure. Funding of SOAW, which exists on a vertible shoestring and depends on such critical contributions and the symbolic lift that it carries, was cut off.

Now comes the joyous word that Maryknoll has resumed its financial support of SOAW. Given church tensions over conformity and compliance, it couldn't have been easy for the order, making its decision even more welcome and commendable.

In doing so, Maryknoll has kept faith with its own noble mission and shown the courage to abide by it in the face of difficulties. Its support helps keep alive a movement whose purpose is to end violence and save innocent lives. That stirs my gratitude.

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