Maureen Fiedler talks LCWR on CBS

by Joshua J. McElwee

News Editor

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Loretto Sr. Maureen Fiedler, an NCR blogger and contributor, appeared on CBS This Morning today, the network's morning show, talking about the Vatican's criticism of the umbrella group representing the majority of U.S. women religious.

Talking with Charlie Rose and Gayle King, Fiedler gave her take on the Vatican move, saying "this is about a lot more than the Vatican versus the nuns."

"This is about what kind of a Catholic church we’re going to be," Fiedler continued. "Because when I hear that Vatican mandate, what I hear is the voice of the church of the 19th century -- the voice of the church before that wonderful reforming council, the second Vatican Council of the 1960s.”

For more of Fiedler's appearance, see the video below.
