Men superiors pray for LCWR

This press release just arrived:

The Conference of Major Superiors of Men (CMSM) Executive Committee sends the following statement to members and associate members. The statement is also available on the CMSM website (

June 8, 2012

Media Release

CMSM Comments on the LCWR Situation

SILVER SPRING, MD (June 8, 2012). The Executive Committee of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men (CMSM) has issued the following statement on behalf of CMSM in response to the recent events regarding the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR):

The Conference of Major Superiors of Men has a long and rich history of cooperation with the Leadership Conference of Women Religious. We have been mutually enriched by this collaborative spirit to the greater glory of God. Members of CMSM have been inspired by the sisters' promotion of Catholic social teaching, their service to so many in health care and education, and their fidelity to the Gospel and service in the Church.

In the weeks since the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith made public its doctrinal assessment report, we have been impressed by the way LCWR leadership has responded to this difficult situation. They have been prayerful and consultative as they move forward, and they continue in that stance as they prepare to meet with Congregation officials next week.

CMSM offers its prayerful support as the LCWR engages in dialogue with Vatican officials and Archbishop Peter Sartain. We pray that the Holy Spirit will guide these conversations to a deeper understanding and a resolution of the issues at hand.

Very Rev. Thomas H. Smolich SJ

Very Rev. Bro. Ronald Talbot SC
Vice-President and Secretary/Treasurer

Very Rev. John Edmunds ST
CMSM Board Representative

Rev. John A. Pavlik OFM Cap.
Executive Director

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