The Moral Superiority of the East Coast

by Michael Sean Winters

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Yes, yes, I am all for recognizing different strokes for different folks. But, it seems to me that the moral superiority of the East Coast has been amply demonstrated by the evil coming from Los Angeles the past few weeks. You do not even have to look closely at your television screen to see it: Empty seats in Dodger Stadium.

St. Augustine taught that evil is an absence and so it is. An empty seat at a play-off game is evidence of someone who not only had something better to do with their time but someone who was too self-absorbed to make sure that someone else got the ticket. It figures that most of the empty seats are prime seats, right behind home plate, although I also spied some empty seats in the upper decks.

I grew up in New England so I am slightly scandalized by an empty seat for a regular season game. At Fenway Park, we regularly have an attendance of around 37,000 and I think Fenway only seats about 35,000. But, even if you have to go the hospital suddenly in an emergency, you grab your ticket and give it to the paramedic. But, give it to him after you get to the hospital because otherwise you might not make it there.

Los Angeles has marginally redeemed itself this afternoon. I do not see any empty seats at the Angels’ stadium in Anaheim. But, I am guessing some percentage of the crowd is just there to watch the Yankees, no?

I will readily concede that Los Angeles has a more beautiful landscape: The mountains are extraordinary, at least when you can see them through the smog. But, the moral superiority of the East Coast is there for all to see in the packed, standing-room only crowds this week in Philadelphia and New York. Los Angeles can have its lovely weather and beaches and laid back life style. I want to live where people understand that an empty seat at a playoff game is akin to heresy.

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